Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

Kisah Para Sahabatku

Bebby nona juwita : bebby sabar ya sahabatku, belakangan ini kamu digantungin sama pacar kamu. sabar ya bebb mungkin dia sedang lupa dengan kamju bebby yaaaaa mau gimana lagi, namanya juga cowok baru pacar cantik hahahaha canda.

Adinda Fianda : sabar sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang sama ibas mungikn emang nyakitin buat kamu tapi sabaaaaaaar ya, kalo emang jodoh pasti kalian bersatu lagi ok sayang !!!


Jumat, 03 Juli 2009


10 G !! arrrggghh kita pisah gua gak bia lai deh bercanda sama KEKE AS BELLA, OLIVE,ARA, ahh bebby gua gak bisa dgrin curhat lo lagi nanti tentang eza di kelas. olive fima om tenang kita 1 kelas again, ah ara aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gua pasti kanegn sama lo. lo juga rifky,reza,huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa siapa lagi yang gua godain kalo gak lo huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen ntr sama kalian 10 G Aku sangat merindukan 10 G
valendri -_-

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

Wajahmu mengalihkan duniaku

Jadi begini ada org kita sebut aja namanya X. nah gatau knp kalau gw dpt sms dari dy beah hidup gw indah bgt hahaha, (too much) apa lagi wkt liat dy main bskt ama tmn tmnnya beah lucu mukanya haha. yah tapikan ga mungkin juga dong gw ngomong hahaha MALU BGT GW GILA, ya jadi gw diemin aja makanya gw jadi seneng nyanyi lagu wajahmu mangalihkan duniaku udh gitu ya gitu dah. tapi kayanya dy sadar dah soalnya pas gw nyanyi mata gw ngeliatin dy,eh terus temen temen dy ngadu ''KOK VALEN LIATIN LO?'' wah siteng bgt gw sumpah. tapi kan gw selalu mendekati dia memberi tanda cinta gitu,ga peka kali ya tuh orang ama signal dar4w hahahaha (YA IYALAH ORANG GW GA NGAPA NGAPAIN) tiap ketemu jah lemes gw hahaha (LEBAY) tapi beneran dah ngefans banget dah gw ama dy sampe sampe wajahmu mengalihkan duniaku, biasanya gw liat org ga sampe segitunya. ini sampe dy pergi pun kemana gitu kadang gw ikutin hahaha udah ah malu -____- bye.

Kamis, 11 Juni 2009


tau gak sih lo !!!!! ada anak baru gaul gitu deh, udah gitu sok sok ngatain temen gua gitu apaan sih lo yah ilah baru gaul aja gaya amat !!! main di SPAZIO setahun sekali aja NORAK !!! yah ilah lo makan tuh PIM gw mah udah maleees amin di mall mending gw main di pengajian hahahahaha !!!!
SOK KECE BGT SIH LO kaya lo paling cantik aja di INDONESIA !! NORAK BGT LO !!!
SOK KAYA SOK SEKSI BGT LO !!! SOK LAKU BGT LO HAHAHAHAHAHA !! do you have a mirror ! hahahaha sok imut amat lo nyet? hahahahaha biasa aja kali kalo orang eksis mah gak perlu gitu juga ntr orang udah banyak yang kenal kali EMOSI GW LIAT MUKA LO !! yang SOK EKSIS !!!

Minggu, 24 Mei 2009


aku pengeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen banget punya gigapan, tapi MAHAL !!!

Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009


aduh gak tau kenapa ya? gua suka bgt guy sebastian , angels brought me here.
hahahaha kayanya ada something special di lagu itu hahaha

Jumat, 22 Mei 2009


eh add msn gua dong, haha.
ok kawan ku

bukan cinta biasa

Kali ini kusadari
aku telah jatuh cinta
dari hatiku terdalam
sungguh aku cinta padamu

cintaku bukanlah cinta biasa
jika kamu yang memiliki
dan kamu yang temani ku seumur hidupku

trimalah pengakuanku
percayalah kepadaku
semua ini kulakuka
karna kamu memang untukku

Cintaku bukanlah cinta biasa
jka kamu yang memiliki
dan kamu yang temaniku seumur hidupku

Naik kelas

Bentar lagi kita ulangan , erus naik kelas deh yaaaaaaaah ntar pisah deh ama anak
anak kelas 10. hadoooh gua minta maaf ya sama semua temen temen gua, dari yang cewe dulu deh :
  • dahlia
  • bebby
  • olive
  • sakura
  • wenika
  • dea
  • putri
  • tya
  • tiara
  • fima
  • keke (yg srng gua godain)
  • ayus
  • jenni
  • dewi
  • rizky
  • mia
  • dian
  • maaf girls
yang cowo
  • Dito
  • Yogi
  • asep
  • daru
  • wahyu
  • novi
  • rifky(my soulmate)
  • fajar
  • harry
  • fakhri
  • rahim
  • aufa
  • eja
  • bagus
  • avis
  • aris
  • ichwan
yang lupa gua tulis maaf yaa
me miss you guys

Van Al-Nazar

V : Very cool
A : Aduh kereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
N : Nah cuma van yang kaya gitu hahaha

ini contoh orang gak ada kerjaan oke ! ^-^


Hadoh gimana nih, pulsa abis ntar gua gak bisa hubungin mama gua dooooooooooooong? hadoh neng whita maaf juga ya, kayanya ga bisa smsan hari ini hiihihi


KAWAN KAWAN KU YANG CANTIK CANTIK DAN GANTENG GANTENG, add facebook aku dooong Van Al-Nazar tapi biasanya kalo udah liat blog otomatis udah tua blog gua hahaha, aduuh masa gua gak bisa buka facebook dah tau tuh napa? ahh yasutralah para VFC(van fans club) sabar ya ntr aku confirm kok oke byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Apa ini?

hai saya van al-nazar. saya adalah contoh dari salah 1 dari miliaran ornag yang kurang kerjaan banget, contoh lah saya kalo kurang kerjaan nulis blog. jangan mlah nyopet atau mungkin mesum ama orang haha. saya pengen nyanyi nih yuuuuuuuuuuk nyanyi bareng bareng ama saya. sebelumnya tarik nafas dalam dalam , lalu tarik celana anda supaya gak melorot (APA siH VALEN GARING !) mari nyanyi "SAYANG KU MAAFKAN LAH DIRIKU, KU TAU KU SALAH MENYAKITI MU. SAYANG TERIMALAH AKU LAGI, KU MASIH MENCINTAIMU" lalu kita bls lagu itu dgn lagu " LUPAKAN AKU, JAUHI KU TINGGALKAN AKU DISINI... KARNA KINI KU TLAH HILANG RASA CINTA KU PADA MU" lalu bls lagu afgan yg hilang rasa itu dgn lagu "CINTA KU BUKANLAH CINTA BIASA , JIKA KAMU YANG MEMILIKI DAN KAMU YG TEMANIN KU SEUMUR HIDUPKU" lalu di bls dgn lagu gleen "KAU BUNUH HATIKU SAAT KU BERNAFAS UNTUK MU, KAU KEBANGGAN AKU YANG TEGA MENIPU KU" lalu bls lagi dgn lagu boys to men and of the road "WE COME TO THE END OF THE ROAD STILL I CAN'T LET YOU GO, IT'S UN NATURAL YOU BELONG TO ME I BELONG TO YOU" terakhirnya craig david "I JUST DON'T LOVE YOU NO MORE"


Disamping mu, temanin dirimu..
Demi cinta, serahkan jiwaku..
Meski tiada banyak waktu tersisa untuk cinta..
Betapa ku..

Love you baby i do ..
I never find someone like you..
Love you yes i still do better or worst i will be there yes i'll be there for you

Tak perlu kau ragu..
Ku melupakan mu..
Meski tiada banyak waktu tersisa untuk cinta betapa ku..

Love you baby i do ..
I never find someone like you..
Love you yes i still do better or worst i will be there yes i'll be there for you

Disini ku memelukmu..
Hingga tiba akhir masa, menjemput mu.....
Love you baby i do ..
I never find someone like you..
Love you yes i still do better or worst i will be there yes i'll be there for you

JUM'AT 22 MEI 2009

hari ini apa yang terjadi , gak ada sih . biasa aja, hadooh kangen ama mama gua dah, kira kira mama ku yag cantik itu sedang apa ya? hihihi. hadooh rutinitas di bandung gitu gitu aja ahh gak ada yang asik ckckck, malah lagi gak ada pulsa lagi gak bisa main msn deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh hahahaha gak bisa online facebook. gak bisa smsan deh ahahaha, malah bt bgt lagi gak ada kerjaan disini, lagi pada apa ya mereka sekarang? hahahahaha. hadoh gak nyangka ITB kaya gini hahaha, biasa aja ahh (azeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek). boseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen banget gua

Rabu, 20 Mei 2009


yaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ilah mereka tuh semua tuh sebenrnya pengen banget mengalahkan ketenaran gua wakakakaka. yah kalian taulah valendri, siapa yang gak tau gua. yang gak tau gua mati besoknya wakakaka lebay, anyway busway akyu lagi ceneng lagu ran yang ratu lebah. gara gara epin ama jenni nih , muter lagu ntu terus dirumah sampai guatanpa sadar afal, hahaha tadi pagi ade gua manda yang masih umur 2 thn jln 9 bulan masa nangis gara gara gua bilang AFGAN JELEK !!!!
jiah gua langusung di marahin nenek gua gara gara ade gua nangis, eh sekarang mama gua jiaaaaaah kerjanya dengar lagu STATUS PALSU !! ckckckck, inget ma ngaji dulu baru nyanyi waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah kenapa ama mereka semenjak ada afgan,ran,vidi aku dilupakan :( sedih akyu (apa sih valen wakakakaka).


LO TAU GAK SIH !!!! afgan tuh mukanya gak beda jauh ama gua , suaranya pula ikutin gua heran deh pada cewek-cewek tergila gila ama dia kalo gua terjijik jijik ama gua. mending gua kaliiii lebih owkay hahahaha jiah gak tau aja mereka kalo gua lagi nyanyi jiah nyamuk aja mati wakakakaka, tadi aja gua abis syuting video clip yang bukan banci biasa ntar tunggu aja di MTV ANCUR bgt pasti masuk terus keluar lagi deh. oke jgn lupa ketik REG (SPASI) VALEN KIRIM KE 9090 byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee muah

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009


haha gua males nih, males bgt basket. jiah ilah dulu aja basket seperti hidup dan mati, ah gua maleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees banget coy capek suer dah. gua mau cerita, gua punya sahabat namanya ALVINA dia sahabat gua dari kecil banget sampai gua udh gede udah tau pacaran (azeeek). tapi sekarang vina mau pergi ke kalimantan dan mungkin gak akan balik lagi tragis bgt ya gua ama angel jadi sedih baget I LOVE YOU MY BEST SISTER !

Senin, 11 Mei 2009

Flu doang

najiiiiiiiiiiiis , masa gua di sangka flu babi.
paaaaaaaaaaaaaaah banget emang dah, udah malah tadi pake mati lampu aduh takut gua, ntar pasti mama gua maraahin gua gara-gara gua main facebook haduh sekarang aja badan gua udah meriang banget gimana ntr kalo mama pulang huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. paraaaaaah, liburan gua bt banget dah gak ada kerjaan bgt gitu , hahaha. pengen basket tapi lagi sakit gituc deh hahaha, paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah pasti kalo mama gua tau gua dibunuh nia ahhh

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009


Lemas tak berdaya saat itu yang ku rasakan , namun mungkin dia tidak akan pernah tau lagi dan tidak akan pernah bisa mendengar lagi . Apa maksud dari tangisan ku, sedih ku , cerita ku, dan semua yang ku persembahkan untuknya. Apakah selama ini aku dijebak semua hal yang semu, tidak nyata hanya MAYA . Kemunafikan pun tak dapat ku simpan lagi . 1 hal yang perlu dia tau YA TUHAN disini aku menginginkannya , mengaguminnya, mengharapkannya. Walaupun hanya dalam mimpi yang tak nyata aku tetap senang tuhan karena dipertemukan olehnya ya TUHAN. dia adalah semangat ku, dia adalah motifasi ku, dan dia adalah MAMA. Dia lah wanita yang pertama dan terakhir kalinya yang sangat ku cintai melebihi aku mencintai diri ku sendiri sampai kapan pun.


Jadi tadi pagi pada pukul 08.00 WIB saya mengikuti lomba pidato (SEMESTINYA) tapi kalah tuchhhhhhh kayanya paraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah bangeeet iya KALAH supah gua mendingan ceramah dari pada pidato gak enak bgt dech mls bgt dech !!!!!!!!!

Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009

Hello my name van valendri al-nazar, just call van or valen . now i'm 15 years old .
I love AND 1 so much hahaha . and i love boys to men

Jumat, 27 Februari 2009

My Best friends

Name : Darayani Amalia or Dara

Name : Zuliyani Nurul Khalifah
She is my bestfriends, just call her Olive
Born : 27 April 1993 Name : Pricilla Angela Indahati Nasman
She is my Bestfriends , just call her Angel .
Born : 21 Juni 1993 .




Hidup itu kaya lampu lalu lintas , ada kalanya berwarna hijau yang artinya menyenangkan , ada lampu kuning yang harus di hadapi dengan kesabaran , dan lampu merah hal yang yang sangat amat menyedihkan . dan semua itu selalu bergulir selalu berganti , gak akan ada hal yang abadi di dunia ini . begitu pula dengan kehidupan setiap orang akan mengalami kematian apa kalian semua takut akan kematian??? apa yang perlu di takutkan , itu hal yang WAJAR . menulis kalimat ini satu demi satu , sambil mencucurkan air mata yang saya pun tak akan tahu kapan akan berhentinya ?? . Tuhan terima kasih saya padaMu karena kau memberikan banyak sekali anugrah pada saya. Saya diberikan banyak sahabat , BIMBI ,ANGELA,OLIVE,GARIN, terima kasih untuk kebaikan kalian mau mendengarkan keluh kesah saya selama ini . Dara terima kasih juga yaa, MAMA, OPUNG, TULANG, terima kasih untuk cinta kasih kalian untuk saya terima kasiiih semuaaaaaaaaa

Kepala gua

kepala gua malah tambah sakit dan jadi makin tambah sakit napaaaaaa ?


ADD msn gua yaa : /
Ym : van.van05
Facebook : van valendri al-nazar

Jadi Gini

buseeeet gua males banget sekolah et daah malah gua belum sembuh total tipus , masa langsung sekolah .
tapi kalo gua diem dirumah opung gua nyap nyap terus dirumah lebih MALES lagi gua hadoooh malah manda RESE naujubilah gua di tabokin mulu -___-
jiaaaaah bikin bt emg nih ---___---

Send "Doin Just Fine" Ringtone to Mobile

Verse 1

There was a time
when I thought life was over and out
When you went away from me
My dying heart made it hard to breathe
Would sit in my room
Because I didn't want to go out
and see you walking by
One look and I'd break down and cry
Now you say that you made a big mistake
Never meant to take your love away
But you can save your tired apologies
Cause it may seem hard to belive but

I'm doin just fine
Getting along every well
without you in my life
I don't need you in my life
I'm doin just fine
Time made me stronger
you're no longer on my mind
Verse 2

You were my earth
My number one priority
I gave my love to only you
Anything you'd ask of me
I would do
But somewhere down the road
You felt a change in the weather
and told me that you had to journey
on a kiss in the wind
and your love was gone
Now you say you never meant to play your games
Girl you don't know
It's far too late
Because you let our love just fall apart
You no longer have my heart


When you said goodbye
I felt so all alone
There were time at night I couldn't sleep
My heart was much too weak to make it on my own
Baby after all the misery
and pain you put me through
So unfair to me girl
You're no longer my world
and I ain't missin' you at all

See baby when you walked away
You didn't think it would end up this way
but I knew you'd come around someday
Just as sure as my name is Wanya

"On Bended Knees"

Something you should know about On Bended Knees Lyrics

Title: Boyz Ii Men - On Bended Knees lyrics

Artist: Boyz Ii Men Lyrics

Visitors: 23570 visitors have hited On Bended Knees Lyrics since May 27, 2008.

Send "On Bended Knees" Ringtone to Cell

Darling I, I can't explain,
Where did we lose our way,
'Girl it's driving me insane.
And I know I just need one more chance,
To prove my love to you.
And if you come back to me,
I'll guarantee,
That I'll never let you go.

Can we go back to the days
Our love was strong.
Can you tell me how
A perfect love goes wrong.
Can somebody tell me
How to get things back,
The way they used to be.
Oh God, give me the reason,
I'm down on bended knee.

I'll never walk again,
Until you come back to me,
I'm down on bended knee.

So many nights I dream of you.
Holding my pillow tight I know,
That I don't need to be alone.
When I open up my eyes,
To face reality,
Every moment without you,
It seems like eternity.
I'm begging you, begging you come back to me.


Baby, I'm sorry,
Please forgive me for all the wrong I've done.
Please come back home girl.
I know you put all your trust in me,
I'm sorry I let you down.
Please forgive me.

I'm gonna swallow my pride,
Say I'm sorry,
Stop pointing fingers,
The blame is on me.
I want a new life,
And I want it with you.
If you feel the same,
Don't ever let it go.
You gotta believe in the spirit of love,
It will heal all things,
Won't hurt any more.
No I don't believe our love's terminal.
I'm down on my knees,
Begging you please,
Come home.



Wanna build a new life,
Just you and me.
Gonna make you my wife,
Raise a family.


Send "Song For Mama" Ringtone to Mobile

Water Runs Dry
Boyz II Men

We don't even talk anymore
And we don't even know what we argue about
Don't even say I love you no more
'Cause saying how we feel is no longer allowed

2-Some people will work things out
And some just don't know how to change

1-Let's not wait till the water runs dry
We might watch our whole lives pass us by
Let's not wait till the water runs dry
We'll make the biggest mistake of our lives
Don't do it, baby

Now..Now they can see the tears in our eyes
But we deny the pain that lies
Deep in our hearts
Well maybe that's a pain we can't hide
'Cause everybody knows that we're both torn apart

Why do we hurt each other?
Why do we push love away?
(repeat 1, 2, 1)

boys to men color of love

Something you should know about Color Of Love Lyrics

Title: Boyz II Men - Color Of Love lyrics

Artist: Boyz II Men Lyrics

Visitors: 10655 visitors have hited Color Of Love Lyrics since May 27, 2008.

Send "Color Of Love" Ringtone to Cell

I was lonely
I needed someone to see me through
I was at the end of my rope
I needed someone to cut me loose

And then an angel out of the blue
Gave me the sense that i might make it through
And somehow I survived with no rhyme or reason
And now I know I’ll make it through the miracle of you

I know the color of love
And it lives inside of you
I know the color of truth
It’s in the image of you
If it comes from the heart
Then you know that it’s true
It will color your soul like a rainbow (Like a
And the color of love is in you

Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Love, love, love

Like a bridge
Over troubled, troubled water
You stood beside me, stood beside me
And your love did not falter

And then the angel, the angel in you
Gave me the strength to know that I will get through
And that’s how I survived, ain’t no other reason
And now I know I’ll make it through the miracle of you

I know the color of love
And it lives inside of you
I know the color of truth
It’s in the image of you
If it comes from the heart
Then you know that it’s true
It will color your soul like a rainbow (Like a
And the color of love is in you (Is in you)

Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of (It’s
the colors)
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Love, love, love

So girl, I wanna thank you
I can’t thank you enough
For showing me the meaning
The meaning of true love

When i was lost and so in need
You opened up your heart
When I needed you to comfort me
You opened up your arms

I couldn’t face another day
You said, "Don’t be afraid"
You showed my heart the,
Showed me the way

I know the color of love (Hey, hey, hey, hey, ho ho,
And it lives inside of you (It lives in you)
I know the color of truth (Oh...whoa...ho...)
It’s in the image of you
If it comes from the heart (Comes from the heart)
Then you know that it’s true
It will color your soul like a rainbow
And the color is in you

Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of (Oh)
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of (It’s
the colors)
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Love, love, love

Oh...the color of you
Send "Color Of Love" Ringtone to Mobile


Van Valendri Al-Nazar's Facebook profile

Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

Boys To Men : End Of The Road

Girl you know we belong together
I don't have time for you to be playing with my heart like this
You'll be mine forever baby
You just wait

We belong together
And you know that I am right
Why do you play with my heart
Why do you play with my mind

Said we'd be forever
Said it'd never die
How could you love me and leave me and never
Say goodbye

When I can't sleep at night
Without holding you tight
Girl, each time I try I just break down and cry
Pain in my head
Oh, I'd rather be dead
Spinning around and around

(chorus 2x)
Although we've come
To the end of the road
Still I can't let go
It's unnatural
You belong to me
I belong to you

Girl, I know you really love me
You just don't realize
You've never been there before
It's only
Your first time

Maybe I'll forgive you
Maybe you'll try
We should be happy together forever
You and I

Will you love me again
Like you loved me before
This time I want you to love me much more
This time instead
Just come to my bed
And baby just don't let me go


(talking, except things in parentheses)

Girl, I'm here for you
All those time as night
When you just hurt me
And just ran out with that other fella
Baby I knew about it
I just didn't care
You just don't understand how much I love
Do you?
I'm here for you

I'm not about to go out on cheat you
(Maybe I'll forgive you)
Just like you did
But baby that's alright
I love you anyway
(Maybe you will try)
And I'm still going to be here with you until my dying day
(We should be happy together forever)
Right now
I'm just in so much pain
Cuz you just won't come back to me
(You and I)
Will you?
Just come back

Yes baby, my heart is lonely
My heart hurts
Yes, I feel pain too
Baby please

(back to singing)

This time instead just come to my bed
And baby just don't let me go
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gua juga sebenernya bigung mau nulis apa hahah